Content: anti-aging and coaching,
aging, REGISTRATION, anti-aging clinic, live longer, anti-aging, grow
younger, neuropsychology,anti-aging clinic
Message from Dr Perry Zeus (NeuroExs
- I have spent nearly 30 years empowering
thousands of people from over 60 countries to become
healthier, happier and stronger and with my help you
too can have the opportunity to learn how to regain
your years, live longer and have a richer life.
And for those who have inquired -yes, I am in my
70's. And yes, this is a recent photo. |
Can you put a
price on adding several years to your life or rewinding your
biological clock?
"Novartis’s new gene therapy, which has had only a small clinical
trial, costs $us475,000.
Indeed this is a relatively modest cost given the prices emerging
for other gene therapies." |
here for
NeuroExs Licensing
Information and Contact Form! |
Limited Number of Program Places Available!
Please Read.
Please note that Dr Zeus and his expert team only provide the
therapy program on an invitational basis to a restricted number of
select international clients. If follows that we refer clients who
do not wish to travel or be placed on a Wait List to a local
regional graduate Longevity Therapist from our Anti-Aging International Academy.
We receive a large number of applications
competing for a very small number of treatment places (typically
several applications per available place /date). To reduce
the application processing time qualified applicants are now able to
bypass the previous mandatory telephone interview process and have
their application directly submitted to the Clinic’s Section Panel
for consideration. That said, the Panel may request additional references or
support material from an applicant to assist them in confirming their suitability. |
Application Steps:
Step 1.
Submission of your application for a place in the
Brain Mind Body
Please note this is an invitational program
and we
may request
references from an applicant to assist us
in confirming their suitability to join the program.
Currently there is a 5 week wait list. Those persons who require immediate
attention may request so in the below form and we will refer them to contact a
suitable, local regional graduate
Longevity Therapist from our
Anti-Aging International Academy.
Step 2. Upon selection,
international payment of the program is required to be made by bank
transfer within 5 working days to secure a limited booking date. |
_________________________________________________________________________________ |
Behavioral Coaching Institute.
Graduate School of Neuroscience |