Content: anti-aging,
neuropsychology, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, medicine, ant-aging research
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Content: cognitive, anti-aging,
neuropsychology, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, medicine, USA, neuroplasticity,
cognitive |
Empowering people
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ANTI AGING Neuropsychology, Neurogenesis, Neuroplasticity
Latest Research |
ANTI AGING Neuropsychology, Neurogenesis &
Neuroplasticity |
Anti-aging medicine has changed dramatically over
the last few years:
The prevalence of age-related diseases is in an upward trend due to
increased life expectancy in humans. Age-related conditions are
among the leading causes of morbidity and death worldwide currently.
Hence the urgent need to find apt interventions that slow down aging
and reduce or postpone the incidence of debilitating age-related
diseases. It follows that research on aging has recently surged in
the last few years.
Neurogenesis -the growth of new
neurons in the brain.
Neurogenesis is a particularly important process when an embryo is
developing -but, can we grow new brain cells as adults?
The simple answer is -Yes! Recent studies have demonstrated that
neurogenesis can indeed continue into and throughout adult life.
Obviously this has a major impact on aging as new brain cells keep
our brains functionally younger. Until only recently, it was thought
that the number of neurons we're born with is fixed – that the
central nervous system, including the brain, was incapable of
neurogenesis and unable to regenerate.
Neurogenesis refers to the birth and maturation of new neurons,
either during brain formation or throughout an organism's lifespan.
Neurogenesis is more about "capacity" of our brain, while
neuroplasticity is more about "capability" of our brain.
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Neuroplasticity refers to changes in mature neurons resulting from
stimuli, aging and other influences. Synaptic plasticity refers to
changes in the 'strength' of synapses, or the growth of new
synapses. Critically, these processes rely on previously existing
neurons. There is ample evidence that it also involves neuroglia in
the brain -the non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system.
Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity are two very d ifferent
concepts that act entirely independently, but in some contexts, work
together in a synergistic manner.
It is possible to enhance neural and cognitive function with
cognitive interventions.
Latest research confirms that we can delay age-related decline in
cognitive function. The aged brain really has the capacity to change
in response to stimulation. Although there is some neural
deterioration that occurs with age, the brain has the capacity to
increase neural activity and develop neural scaffolding as part of
the brain-mind-body continuum.
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Neuropsychologists have an extensive knowledge base and training in
brain-behavior relationships and are therefore best qualified to
execute a unique broad-based approach to overall cognitive wellness
and are viewed as primary care providers of cognitive based
anti-aging treatment.
Cognitive neuroscience is a relatively new field which bridges the
gap between the study of complex behaviors (psychology) and the
study of neural processes (neurosciences). One specialist area of
study by Cognitive Neuroscientists (Neuropsychologists) is
understanding how deep perception by accessing the subconscious mind
(theta brainwaves) and experiential mental exercises can stimulate
neural re-growth that generates change in the brain-mind-body
continuum. The Clinic’s Treatment Program focuses on this approach.
Our Clinic provides a cutting-edge, cognitive wellness service
delivery model including cognitive health, anti-aging, lifelong
wellness, and longevity-oriented practices. These practice areas
include brain-based cognitive wellness, emotional and related
multimodality health interventions.
As experts in brain-mind-body union, neuropsychologists can provide
evidence-based treatment options tailor-made to fit individual
needs. Physiological health rests upon the foundation of
counteracting mind-body connection disruptions from multiple
etiologies. The brain and body are electrical systems that can
“short circuit” and need to be “re-set.” The therapy practices
inherent in this specialist anti-aging and wellness service delivery
model can provide physiological rejuvenation and preventative
insulation and circuit breaking against the shock of age and age
related illnesses.
What to reverse your biological age by 10 + years or just add 7,
10 or more years to your life?
The Clinic's
RESULTS GUARANTEED Self-Transformational, Anti-Aging Program.
The invitational Anti-Aging Program is a
step-by-step, experiential treatment that is taught from a platform of
perceptual self-awareness.
Techniques used in the Treatment Program are based on cognitive
neuroplasticity therapy*, which rewires the brain's limbic system to
re-build and strengthen the functional neural pathways relating to
youthfulness, health and well-being.
Read More -Latest Scientific Research |
Content: anti-aging,
medicine, health, anti-aging medicine, younger, ant-aging
research medicine, top anti-aging medicines,, anti-aging
clinic, USA, |
neuropsychology, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, USA