Contents: anti-aging course, anti-aging course,  anti-aging franchise, ,anti-aging Therapy , antii-aging neuroscience , anti-aging psychology , anti-aging coaching ,  anti-aging course,anti-aging anti-aging course ,MIND BODY ANTI AGING COURSE, ANTI-AGING THERAPY, Anti-Aging International Academy, anti-aging, Longevity Therapist Diploma Course, anti-aging school, anti-aging and health course, aging course, Anti-Aging school, Aging Course, neurocoaching anti-aging course, anti-aging therapy, aging, anti-aging school, diploma course in anti-aging, health and aging, therapy diploma course in anti-aging, anti-aging coaching course

 Content: anti-aging therapy course, coaching, anti-aging school, diploma, course, school anti-aging course, anti-aging coaching, anti-aging therapist,


Global E-Learning Division..




AAIA - We Change Lives


Established 1994





"World's most recognized Anti-Aging & Health
Therapy Coaching Course"




  Home Page
 Course Application
  Contact Faculty
  Our Teatment Clinic
The Science


  Course Content
  Mind-Body Approach
  NeuroCoaching Model
  Australian Campus Retreat
  Longevity Market Report
Longevity Career Report
Licensing Opportunities

  Secret to Aging Youthfully
  Health and Aging
  The Science 
  Pain & Stress Management
  The Research Evidence



 - Our International, Private, Anti-Aging Treatment Clinic - Go here >



Helping people Feel Like Themselves Again
- and have a longer, stronger life and health span…


The new health care paradigm.
Anti-aging therapy is the next great model of well-being and health care for the new millennium.

The science of anti-aging therapy is truly multi-disciplinary.
It is represented primarily by advances in the fields of neuropsychology and the exciting field of neuroscience. The field is enhanced by contributions from brain-mind-body medicine and emerging neuroscientific technologies.

Our advanced, proven "Self-Transformational Age Management" coaching program shows clients how to take control of their SELF by harnessing the power of their brain-mind-body continuum to reduce physiological deterioration that commonly occurs with aging (from 30 to 80 years of age).


The field of longevity will eventually
 dwarf the dotcom boom.

-Yahoo News.

Proof that Individuals are capable of Age rejuvenation through behavior change.

Stanford University School of Medicine Study in differences in aging.

Lead Author, Michael Snyder, PhD, professor and chair of genetics reports that in some people, their ageotype markers decreased when they changed their behavior. They still aged — but the overall rate at which they did so declined, and in some cases aging markers decreased. In fact, the team saw this phenomenon occur in a handful of important clinical molecules. Bottom line: Some participants maintained a slower-than-average aging rate.

Snyder added. “Most importantly, our study shows that it’s possible to change the way you age for the better. We’re starting to understand how that happens with behavior."



Learn How To Use The New, Easy &
 Effective Transformation Model that
Rewires Your Clients Brain and Mind
 To Reset Their Biological Age!


- Using a Brain-Mind-Body Approach

 Become a Sought-After, Highly Respected Therapist
-specializing in providing Anti-Aging /
Health / Well-being / Performance Enhancement
Services -including Pain and Stress Management.


Invitational Graduate Diploma


- Register for your Invitation today!
Application Form below page
Online, Self-Study or Campus Format


  Why the need for this Accelerated Learning Course?

Study after study - from the best scientists and institutions in the world - show that the brain-mind-body union plays a significant role in the process of aging, our health, well-being, pain management and stress (the affliction of our decade).

Having a healthy, long, happy life is not just about a condition of the body, but rather a condition of the brain and mind. It's one thing to read this in recent scientific studies -but, how can this new understanding of longevity be delivered and made accessible to most people? That’s where the Academy comes in.

Our mission is to provide widespread access through teaching our students how to provide evidence-based, safe, and effective therapy for all those in need. “Access” means making it understandable to the layperson, making it easy to use, and making it readily accessible.

AAIA's Age Management Coaching Program.
Upon consultation, clients are taught how to self-manage their particular condition, safely, effectively, and inexpensively. Within 7 days of self-management, clients happily report positive, measurable results exceeding their expectations.


The course is based on an evidence-based, cognitive neuroplasticity approach. We built our program on the same principles and techniques that have shown significant results across scores of clinical studies. These methods are used by leading specialists and psychologists at institutions like Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, and NYU. The difference being that the Academy provides this same proven methodology in an accessible format available to all.


Want to make a difference in people's lives and your own?

  Learn the latest psychological tools to help your clients reset their physical and well-being compass to a more desired future!  
  The Academy's training provides you validated tools to not only bring profound change to your client’s lives but also your own..

..Would you consider yourself an Agent of Change? Do you have:
  - an interest in health, well-being and personal development,
  - good people development skills,
  - a genuine desire to help others.. or,
  - are you already a health practitioner or people development professional looking to expand your skill sets, scope of practice and income?

Course Duration: Casual Self-Study. No set starting or completion time. Typically just 40 - 50 hours of self-paced, self-study (Accelerated E-Learning).

PLUS..we provide our graduates the world’s most comprehensive, complete Anti-Aging PRACTICE TOOLKIT to build a successful, profitable practice!




How to establish a successful practice and help clients BE YOUNGER, HAPPIER and HEALTHIER!


Anti-aging therapy is the next great model of well-being and health care for the new millennium.

Self-Care Coaching and NeuroCoaching are the best-suited, user-friendly treatment models for anti-aging therapy.

Self-Care Coaching refers to activities concerning one's physical, emotional and mental health. We know that without self-care we age quicker, under-perform, get sick, get stressed, get depressed and risk damaging our careers, family life and our most important relationships.

Self-care is essential in the corporate world for companies to thrive and survive. Leaders, managers and key personnel need to be in great condition mentally, emotionally and physically - so they can perform to their best.

NeuroCoaching:  Harnessing the power of the Brain-Mind-Body continuum
Nature (our biology) has already solved the engineering problems of self-healing and rejuvenation.
Today's cutting-edge longevity and well-being model (represented by advances in the fields of mind/body medicine, neuropsychology, neuroscience, biology, and neurocoaching) confirm man's ability to physiologically renew himself.

The need to understand the relationship between brain, mind and body.
The three aren’t just connected, but rather a single unit, integrated at the cellular level. This knowledge is crucial to our immunity, our well-being, our future.

Our students are taught how to empower their clients to evolve consciously, making choices that will radically upgrade their immunity to disease, slow down and reverse the aging process, and boost the healing response.

Anti-Aging International Academy (AAIA)
AAIA is affiliated with NeuroExs (an international Clinic founded by Dr Perry Zeus for the purpose of providing world best-class, scientifically proven, anti-aging treatment programs). The Clinic uses a brain-mind-body approach and a user-friendly, empowering, coaching model of service delivery.

Dr Zeus (the Father of Behavioral Coaching and author of several best-selling books) is also the founder of our parent organization the Behavioral Coaching Institute (founded 1994) and its Graduate School of Neuroscience.

The Graduate School has currently over 6,000 graduates of distinction from over 60 countries.

The worldwide market for longevity and well-being (anti-aging) treatment programs has been booming for the last several years and will continue to do so at an accelerating rate. Meantime, Dr Zeus's private NeuroExs Longevity Aging Clinic could no longer service such a huge, rapidly expanding, global, diverse marketplace. It follows that Anti-Aging International Academy (AAIA) was established by the Behavioral Coaching Institute to provide a global Certification Course to train highly qualified individuals to help deliver world best-class, longevity and health / wellness services in their region.

Today, the AAIA training School is the world leader in providing internationally recognized, accredited, longevity therapy certification.


The Anti-Aging International Academy (AAIA) is a dynamic and ever-evolving educational leader in innovation across the anti-aging and wellness industry. It offers select professionals a unique career opportunity that is driven by science, quality and reputation.

AAIA uniquely provides its students a success-proven, practice model to easily replicate and profit from.

Integrating the most cutting-edge and researched scientific trends, AAIA has created a highly functional training course. The pairing of cognitive neuroplasticity and the neurocoaching model has been shown to be the most effective, low-cost method of achieving sustainable whole body and mind  change with no-side affects.








Our elite, Certification Course is designed to produce leaders in the field of longevity who are able to deliver new solutions that help meet the societal shift that is occurring. Wellness and Ageing is also about opportunity, and this certification program will enhance your ability to recognize and leverage that potential.

Reuters Editorial News “Global Anti-Aging Market Research Report”

The Global Anti-Aging Market was worth an estimated $275 billion in 2018 and growing at a current rate of 7.8% a year.

The anti-ageing market is observed to be one of the rising markets in today’s world.

The global Anti-Aging market is segmented on the basis of demographics into Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y.

Based on geography the market is analyzed under various regions namely, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle-East & Africa.

Are you ready to:

  • Become an accredited, certified Therapist in the fast-growing field of longevity and wellness.

  • Gain the necessary methodology, specialist mind-body toolkit and skills to meet the explosive growth in demand for affordable, proven solutions to longevity and wellness.

In-House Organizational Practitioners
Even if you are not looking for a career in Longevity Therapy, many of our students (with a HR, L&D .b.g. ) are using the course's tools in their current workplace helping individual executives to raise their energy, performance and well-being levels and/or build Group / Team Well-Being and Emotional Fitness Programs. This course will give you greater professional credibility in this specialist field and provide you with the applicable skills and tools to make you more confident in your work and decide if you wish to eventually transition into your own practice.
Practitioners in Group or Solo Practice
Some of our students work in established own practices eg; medical practitioners, psychologists, counselors, professional coaches etc and simply want access to the latest Anti-Aging, Brain-Mind-Body meta-cognition tools (from the fields of Neuroscience and Psychology). While other professionals just want to add Anti-Aging Therapy as an additional service to extend their client base.

For those looking to build their own practice, the course has proven blueprints, business tools and forms that show you how to establish your name as a professional anti-aging practitioner and attract clients! You will help your clients battle life-disrupting issues and the rewarding feeling this offers you is invaluable.

There are multiple benefits and great aftercare included in AAIA’s Diploma course, including regional support groups, email support with the AAIA team, your listing on ‘find a certified practitioner’ on ICC’s website etc.

  NEWSWIRE, Nov. 24, 2024-- Unlock Your Youth in 15 Minutes: a Science-Backed Anti-Aging Mind-Body Reset Program taught by AAIA. Resetting your Mind-Body Biological Aging Clock has become the trend to follow, popping up on celebrities' social media accounts and quickly becoming a world-wide phenomenon.  


Longevity therapeutic practices are now becoming established across the world through AAIA's world class training and accreditation courses!

  .Dr Phill Allen (Neuroscientist)  

The market opportunity.
 -The Emotional, Alienating, Depressing Pain of living in our times.

Some typical conditions: Feeling -Anxious...Helpless...Sad...Angry...Lost. Victim of emotional swings

The modern world is in the grip of an aging crisis. More people (from age of 30 to 80) are anxious, depressed and medicated than at any other time in our history.

Indicators of despair—depression, suicidal ideation, drug use and alcohol abuse—are rising among Americans in their late 30s and early 40s across most demographic groups, according to new research by Medicine, Health and Society and Public Policy Studies at Vanderbilt University. These findings suggest that the increase in “deaths of despair” observed among middle-aged Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) in recent studies may begin to impact the youngest members of Generation X (born 1974-1983) more broadly in the years to come.

Results suggest that rising despair among the young adult cohort now reaching midlife that cuts across racial/ethnic, educational, and geographic groups may presage rising midlife mortality for these subgroups in the next decade.
-Neuroscience New, April, 2024

One of the keys to health and longevity lies in how our brains learn to culturally perceive the world. The latest research explains why our cultural beliefs are even more powerful than our genes, and demonstrates how these belief systems set us up for illness and self-sabotaging behavior that negatively effects our aging and well-being.

Scientists estimate that only about 25 percent of the variation in human life span is determined by genetics. AAIA’s students are taught how to coach their clients to shift their consciousness and learn the mindset of longevity at any age.

AAIA's course
Therapy course teaches a non-invasive, safe, pain-free, self-coaching process that empowers the client to rapidly obtain lost youth, vitality and a chance for a new, fresh start on life again. Significant improvements are typically measured within 7 days.

After just several days of regular (at home -15 mins a day) practice of their custom designed, mind-body change tool (Neuro Metacognition X-ercise), clients typically report decreased anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood, and a host of other benefits without side effects.

Personal Performance
Focus and emotional balance is the key to performance in all areas. A person’s ability to focus and concentrate is hindered when stress and tension is carried in the body. This unique course also teaches the student how to increase their client's resilience and ability to deal with pain, stress and mental clarity. As a by-product, decision making capabilities, focus, productivity, competency and IQ are also enhanced.





  The solution to a rejuvenated, healthier life lies within ourselves!

Learning the secrets of Self Healing by utilizing the power of our Brain-Mind-Body Connection!
Numerous studies have confirmed that wherever our mindset is, we also put our body.

If the mind is in a truly more youthful and healthy time zone, the body will be as well— by changing our minds to be in a preferred time/space we can literally change our physical state of being and health.
  Mindbody Reset Code—your body's "operating instructions" for interpreting your world, creating your sense of self, and setting your future. The MindBody Reset Code is your key to safely and successfully release your potential for a healthier, more youthful, productive, happier life.

This game-changing certification program provides the Mindbody Reset tools and easy-to-follow steps to create aging, health and well-being breakthroughs for people to discover their new improved, younger self that will propel them forward to greater success in nearly every area of their life.

AAIA's unique course provides scientifically-proven, proprietary, life transforming, methodology that helps clients rejuvenate their mind and body and maximize their performance and results.

Teach your clients (in-person or via video call) easy to follow, proven, brain-mind-body change models based on the latest evidence based technologies and methodologies from Applied Cognitive Neuroscience / Neuropsychology.

The benefits of this unique course are far-reaching and profound!
Your clients will be never be the same!!


The emergence of brain science is generating a new breed of specialist anti-aging therapists.
Harnessing new powerful, clinically proven technology, based on neuroscience and brain-based learning, a new bred of highly credentialed, Longevity Therapists are able to quickly and easily help people of all ages and position. Employing a coaching delivery model, they guide their clients how to become aware of and use their brain-mind-body union, improving their level of age-performance by several years. Other benefits, beyond enhancing youthfulness include; quality of thinking, health and well-being. The results generated far surpass those of traditional anti-aging efforts that can be potentially dangerous to one's health and are certainly more costly and time-consuming.

HR News




Learn how to use Neuro Self-Change Tools and
Transform the lives of people!


By gaining a limited place in this special course, you will:

-Understand how the brain-mind-body union allows us to stimulate physiological change..

-Learn evidence-based cognitive, emotional and neuropsychological rejuvenation strategies.

-Develop change plans and goals that resonate with a person’s sense of deeper purpose.

-Learn how to achieve sustainable, measurable physiological change. 

-Learn how to help your client maintain self change that leads to greater life satisfaction

(Some Example Key Age and Well-Being Rejuvenation Tools, Techniques and Knowledge content) See: Course Content

A. Campus Diploma Course:
  - 2 Day non-residential course. Manuals are sent to students prior to course to complete required pre-course reading and exercises.

-- OR--

B. Distance Learning Diploma Course:
  - Estimated 40 hours of course reading and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style.
  - No fixed starting or completion date. Automatically Receive Certification when you notify us that you have completed your Self-Study!!
  - No assessment or post-course supervision. No additional training hours is required as this is an invitational Program (via submission of the below Application Form).









REMOTE COACH or In-Person or both.
  -and expand your client reach across your country…even to the rest of the world!
Teletherapy sessions are a powerful way to bring sessions to a client. Having the client look at their screen image is a proven tool in the Self Awareness and Self Observation process.  Teletherapy sessions also help your clients fit the sessions into their lives with less disruption.
Note: This important, optional service delivery model is covered in detail in the course.
    Message from Dr Perry Zeus (Graduate School of Neuroscience Faculty Head, one of the acknowledged Founders of today's modern coaching discipline and author of several books on Self-Change and Behavior-based Coaching)

The Desired Future Self Change Model

Cognitive training can quickly and easily provide a gateway to the change process,
however, it is the Neuropsychological Change Models taught in our course that deliver the lasting, measurable, positive physiological results.

Traditionally brain / mind training programs focus just on cognitive training which cannot affect the brain-mind-body union. This approach only provides a modest boost to regular daily mental activities, cannot affect body changes and does not provide knowledge about yourself and how to self-coach yourself to higher levels of physical and mental performance and well-being.

Today, the new field of cognitive neuroplasticity therapy provides us a brain-mind reset switch where we can stimulate neural re-growth to generate change in the brain-mind-body continuum that produces real, sustainable physiological changes.


Faculty Support Team


LICENSING BONUS: Course graduates can also apply for a License to teach the Anti-Aging Therapist course in some selected regions.


Not only does AAIA provide clients with a premium anti-aging experience through our pioneering student training systems, but we also offer qualified individuals a unique business opportunity in the booming anti-aging industry through a low set-up cost, high margin regional licensing program.

For over 20 years, our parent Institute has
provided world recognized certified courses and shown students how to build and grow a highly, successful coaching practice.

To continue the successful migration of AAIA's courses around the world our preference now is to establish an ongoing, strong business relationship with a few, select, highly qualified and well-positioned graduate students / training businesses to become regional 'Strategic Partners'.

To best support our existing global License Holders there is a restricted License Release of only 6 new territories per year. Depending upon the size of a country we award multiple licenses per country/region/city according to the size of the marketplace that a License Holder can best service.



Dr Perry Zeus (Founder)


At an Invitational Training Event in Singapore



Australian Rainforest Non-Residential
Retreat Campus -Course



Some Organizational Clients include:

Educational Comm. for Foreign Medical Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Mount Royal University
NSW Department of Education
Performance University (USA)
NSW Secondary Principals' Council
PNG Education Department
Liverpool Hope University
  National Health Service UK
Singapore Civil Service College
University of Washington
University of Pretoria
University of Westminster
University of W.I.
Rural Ambulance Victoria

University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust



  From studying at a world-class institution, 98% of our students from 60 nationalities would recommend the course to a friend.

Here's what a few of them had to say:

"AAIA’S online course had everything I needed to set my practice up. Plus optional client support if I need it too. Best investment in myself I ever made." Philip Hunter

“Thank you for accepting me into the invitational course. I love helping people of all ages increase their level of well-being and happiness. Its so rewarding.” Wai Ming

"The School is the most well-renowned institution in the world that uses the coaching delivery service model. My clients just thrive on learning how to self-coach and continue enjoying the longevity benefits of the program." C.V. Lakshmi

"Having world recognized credentials allows me travel around the world and work. Thanks AAIA! " Latissa Munshi

"As a nutritionist, what attracted me to study at your school, was that I could include other subjects in your program such as diet and exercise. That was a massive plus." Mary Ann Peterson

"The educational experience is, one of the best I've ever had in my life, everything I needed was in the course. I’m from a small regional city, but already I am booked solid for most weeks." Raphael H.

“ I learnt a lot. The online course gave me an excellent grounding in both the science and practice. It has really enabled me to interact with all types of clients. I just love my work.” J. Eyley

“It has been a truly invaluable learning experience for me. I want you to know that I have learnt so much from each and every course module. Your course also have helped me to understand where my strengths and weaker aspects lie as a new practitioner.” Le Minh Tran

NOTE:  Dr Zeus's NeuroEx Clients refer international clients who do not wish to travel or be placed on a Wait List (currently 5 weeks) to a local regional graduate from the Anti-Aging International Academy.


Obtain world recognized Board Accredited Certification.
- ICC Gold Seal Board Accreditation

Certification by the world's leading coach accreditation body, the International Coaching Council (ICC) Board, involves confirmation that the course is world best-class and designed by educators who are world recognized experts in their field. Board accredited certification confirms the practitioner's expertise and knowledge in the coaching model of service delivery and elevates their position from other service providers.

Graduates names are also listed on ICC's online, public Register.






  SEMESTER CLOSING END OF MONTH.. We receive a large number of applications competing for a very small number of course places (we typically receive several applications per available place /date). To reduce the application processing time qualified applicants are now able to bypass the previous mandatory telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Academies Section Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to assist them in confirming their suitability.             
>>  Application Steps:
Step 1
. Submission of Course Application to the Institute's Selection Panel.


  Our International Private TREATMENT CLINIC >> ..

         Treatment Application Form
         The Science. How it Works!
Age & Health Reversal
Other Benefits

         Coaching Process
The Methodology


         Healing Retreat
 Dr Zeus.


 2024 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Behavioral Coaching Institute. Graduate School of Neuroscience. Dr Perry Zeus

Legal Disclaimer
Note: This website is for educational purposes only. This site is not about the “practice of medicine.” It is not intended as a means or substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date.


Contents: anti-aging course, anti-aging therapy course, coaching, anti-aging school, diploma, course, school anti-aging course, anti-aging coaching, anti-aging therapist, anti-aging course,  anti-aging franchise, ,anti-aging Therapy , antii-aging neuroscience , anti-aging psychology , anti-aging coaching ,  anti-aging course,anti-aging anti-aging course , Anti-Aging International Academy, anti-aging school, Longevity Therapy Diploma Course, anti-aging school, anti-aging and health course, aging course, Anti-Aging school, Aging Course, neurocoaching anti-aging course, anti-aging therapy, aging, anti-aging school, diploma course in anti-aging, health and aging, therapy diploma course in anti-aging, anti-aging coaching course, ,MIND BODY ANTI AGING COURSE, ANTI-AGING THERAPY, anti-aging school